Graphtec GL7000
Wzmacniacze „Napięcie/Temperatura” mogą wykonać szybkie i wielokanałowe pomiary bez obniżania częstości próbkowania nawet jeśli ilość modułów rośnie. W przypadku wzmacniaczy szybkich napięć i modułu Logic/Pulse, częstość próbkowania jest ograniczona pojemnością medium rejestrującego. Software dostarczony z GL7000 umożliwia wspólne sterowanie z komputera aż do 10-ciu dołączonych takich rejestratorów. W ten sposób liczba kanałów pomiarowych wzrasta do 1120. W celu zapisania danych pozyskanych w trakcie pomiarów GL7000 wyposażono w 2GB zintegrowanej pamięci Flash oraz gniazdo do podłączenia karty SD o pojemności do 32GB. Zapisywanie sygnałów szybkozmiennych zostało zorganizowane przez zastosowanie oddzielnej pamięci RAM, w której przechować można do 2 milionów próbek. Oddzielny moduł (dysk twardy) SSD o pojemności 64GB jest dostępny jako opcja.Dołączany moduł wyświetlacza umożliwia zbudowanie niezależnego przyrządu pomiarowego. W takiej konfiguracji nie jest potrzebny komputer nadzorujący pracę całości. Wyświetlacz można również dołączać do głównego modułu przy pomocy kabla LAN (max 10m) i w ten sposób realizować zdalne sterowani systemu w różnych lokalizacjach. Podłączony panel wyświetlacza nie blokuje możliwości sterowania z komputera. Wyświetlacz to czytelny, 5,7 cala, kolorowy, wysokiej jakości monitor LCD. (VGA: 640×480 punktów) wyposażony w panel dotykowy. Panel dotykowy znajdujący się na module wyświetlacza oraz zespół przycisków stanowi interfejs użytkownika (rozwiązanie sprawdzone w innych GL-ach, tu jeszcze dodatkowo poprawione).
GL7000 można połączyć z wieloma różnymi urządzeniami elektronicznymi. Funkcja ta została rozbudowana w sposób nadzwyczajny przez zastosowanie istniejących w aktualnej technice systemów i opcji dołączania. Dla tych celów można skorzystać z technik związanych z USB, Ethernetem, aż do Internetu i FTP. Dostępne są następujące funkcje:
- WEB i FTP SERWER – umożliwia sterowanie GL7000 przy użyciu przeglądarki internetowej,
- FTP KLIENT – umożliwia transfer danych z GL7000 na serwer FTP,
- DHCP KLIENT – adres IP GL7000 jest automatycznie generowany przez serwer DHCP,
- NTP KLIENT – zegar GL7000 jest okresowo synchronizowany przez serwer NTP,
- USB DRIVE MODE – GL7000 emuluje szybką pamięć USB dzięki czemu zapisane dane mogą być transferowane lub kasowane przy użyciu komputera.
Rejestrator GL7000 jednostka główna
Specyfikacja jednostki głównej
Parametr | Opis | |
Liczba modułów | Można dołączyć do 10 modułów*1 | |
Ilość kanałów wejściowych | Max. 112 kanałów w jednym GL7000 | |
Zewnętrzne Sygnały Wejść./Wyjść.*2 | Wejście | Start/Stop, Sygnał wyzwalający, Próbkowanie zewn., Automatyczny balans
Sygnał typu: Kontakt (przekaźnik), Open kolektor, Napięcie |
Wyjście | Sygnał wyzwalający, Zajętość, Alarm (10 kanałów)*3
Sygnał typu:Open kolektor (obciążany rezystorem 10 k Ω) |
Funkcja wyzwalania,
Funkcja Alarm |
Uruchom akcję | Rozpocznij lub zatrzymaj przechwytywanie danych przez wyzwalanie |
Powtórz wyzwalanie | Wyłącz, Włącz (Automatyczne ponowne uzbrojenie) | |
Źródło wyzwalania | Start/Stop: Wył., Zmierzony sygnał, Alarm, Zewnętrzne, Zaplanowany czas, Zaplanowany dzień, Po określonym czasie | |
Warunki wyzwalania pomiaru sygnałem wejściowym | Mieszany: warunek OR lub AND przy spełnionym poziomie sygnału lub na krawędzi sygnału
Analogowy: Wysoki/Narastający, Niski/opadający, W oknie, Po za oknem Logiczny*4: Wysoki/Narastający, Niski/opadający Impulsowy*4: Wysoki/Narastający, Niski/opadający, W oknie, Po za oknem |
Warunek wyzwolenia alarmu*5 | Mieszany: warunek OR lub AND przy spełnionym poziomie sygnału lub na krawędzi sygnału
Analogowy: Wysoki/Narastający, Niski/opadający, W oknie, Po za oknem Logiczny*4: Wysoki/Narastający, Niski/opadający Impulsowy*4: Wysoki/Narastający, Niski/opadający, W oknie, Po za oknem |
Wyjście Alarm | 10 kanałów | |
Pre-trigger*6 | Ilość danych do chwili uruchomia wyzwolenia: Do określonej ilości przechwyconych danych | |
Funkcje obliczeniowe | Pomiędzy kanałami | Dodawanie, Odejmowanie, Mnożenie i Dzielenie dla dwóch wejść analogowych. (Szybkość próbkowania jest ograniczona do 10 próbek/s (interwał 100ms). Dostępny element arytmetyczny i wybór wyjścia jest dowolny z pośród kanałów wejściowych 1 do 100) |
Statystyczne | Wybór dwóch działań matematycznych z: Średnia, Szczytowa, Max., Min., w czasie rzeczywistym i z odtworzenia*7 | |
Funkcja przesuwania zakresu wyświetlania | Początek, środek lub koniec danych, Punkt wyzwalania, Określony czas (bezwzględny, względny), Kursor wywołania | |
Funkcja wyszukiwania | Wyszukanie poziomów sygnału analogowego, wzoru sygnału logicznego, poziomów sygnału impulsu lub punktu alarmowego w przechwyconych danych | |
Funkcja adnotacji | Możliwość ustawienia komentarza w każdym kanale (do 31 znaków alfanumerycznych) | |
Funkcje komunikatów / znaczników | Funkcja: Zarejestrowane komunikaty są zapisywane w dowolnym czasie.
Liczba komunikatów do zapisu: Max.8 Komunikat: Nieokreślony komunikat został wprowadzony przed lub w trakcie zapisywania |
Wznawianie | Wznawianie automatycznie w tym samym stanie po przywróceniu zasilania, tak jak w przypadku awarii zasilania podczas przechwytywania danych*8 | |
Interface do PC | Ethernet (10 BASE-T/100 BASE -TX), USB 2.0 (High speed) | |
Funkcje sieciowe | Serwer WWW, serwer FTP , klient FTP, klient NTP, klient DHCP | |
Tryb sterowania USB | Emulacja urządzenia pamięci USB*9 | |
Urządzenie prze-chowywania danych | Wbudowane | RAM (2 miliony próbek, wbudowany w moduł wzmacniacza),
Pamięć Flash (2 GB, wbudowana w moduł główny) |
Zewnętrzne *10 | Gniazdo kart SD (obsługa SDHC, do 32 GB), SSD (ok. 64 GB)
Plik do przechwytywania danych jest ograniczony do 2 GB. |
Funkcje rejestracji danych | Dane przechwycone *10 | Wbudowana pamięć RAM, Wbudowana Flash, karta pamięci SD, SSD (dane są zapisywane bezpośrednio w pamięciach.) |
Dane we wbudowanym RAM | Określona liczba danych do 2 mln próbek w przyrostach co 1 | |
Auto rejestracja *10 | Dostępne dla wbudowanej pamięci RAM
Włączone (ON): Dane w pamięci RAM są automatycznie zapisywane we wbudowanej pamięci Flash, karcie pamięci SD, SSD Wyłączone (OFF): Dane w pamięci RAM nie są zachowywane po wyłączeniu zasilania |
Tryb zapisu pierścieniowego *10 *11 | Zapisuje najnowsze dane
Ilość przechwyconych danych: 1000 do 2000000 punktów, Miejsce zapisu danych: Wbudowana pamięć RAM, Wbudowana Flash, Karta pamięci SD, SSD |
Podczas przechwy-tywania danych *12 | Wyświetlanie informacji w dwóch oknach, wymiana karty pamięci SD na gorąco,
Zapisywanie danych pomiędzy kursorami. |
Backup *10 | Interwał kopii zapasowej: Wył. , 1, 2, 6, 12, 24 godz.
Miejsce docelowe danych: karta pamięci SD, SSD, serwer FTP |
Funkcja skali inżynierskiej | Zmierzoną wartość można przekonwertować na jednostkę inżynierską
Napięcie analogowe: Konwertuje o cztery punkty odniesienia (wzmocnienie, przesunięcie) Temperatura: Konwertuje o dwa punkty odniesienia (przesunięcie) Liczba impulsów: Konwertuje o dwa punkty odniesienia (wzmocnienie) |
Synchronizacja między jednostkami | Start i wyzwalanie*13 | |
Dokładność zegara (przy 23°C) | ±0,002 % (Odchyłka miesięczna ok. 50 sek.) | |
Środowisko pracy | 0 do 45 °C , 5 do 85 % RH (bez kondensacji) | |
Zasilanie | 100 do 240 V prądu przemiennego, 50/60 Hz | |
Pobór mocy | Około 85 VA | |
Standardowe wyposażenie | Skrócona instrukcja, CD – ROM, kabel zasilający AC | |
Wymiary zewnętrzne (szer. x gł. x wys.) | Moduł główny: Ok. 193 x 141 x 160 mm (bez wypustów),
Terminal wyjścia alarmu: Ok.30 x 136 x 145 mm (bez wypustów) |
Waga | Moduł główny: Ok.2,2 kg, Terminal wyjścia alarmu: Ok.350 gramów |
GL-Connection Software Specifications
Parameter | Description | |
Supported OS | Windows 8 ,Windows 7 (32/64-bits, Except Starter edition), Vista (32/64-bits), XP *14 | |
Functions | Control GL7000, Real – time data capture, Replay data, Data format convers ion | |
Controlledunits | Up to 10 units (Max. 1120 channels ) | |
GL7000 Settingscontrol | Input settings, Memory settings, Trigger and Alarm settings, Other settings | |
Captured data *15 | Built- in RAM (Binary format), Built – in Flash memory (Binary, CSV format), SD memory card (Binary, CSV format),
SSD (Binary, CSV format) The sampling speed is limited by the number of channels used when data is saved in the CSV format. (1 ms per channel. When 10 channels are set, sampling is limited to 10 ms.) |
Displayedinformation | Analog waveforms, Logic waveforms, Pulse waveforms, Digital values | |
Display mode | Y-T waveform with digital values, X-Y graph in real time, Cursor information, Capture condition, Alarm information | |
File operation | Converts binary data to the CSV data (specific period, all data in one file, multiple files), Creates a new file with compression or by consolidating multiple files. | |
WarningFunction | Send e-mail to the specified address when the alarms occurs | |
Statistical calculation | Capturing data: Maximum, Minimum, Peak or Average
Replaying data: Maximum, Minimum, Peak, Average or RMS in between cursors |
Searchfunction | Level | Specific level in any channels |
Alarm | Occurred alarm in any channel | |
Time | Beginning, center, end of the data, Trigger point, Specific time (absolute, relative), Specific number | |
Operation lock | Operation screen can be locked (It is unlocked with a password.) |
Options and Accessories
Model Number | Description |
B-513 | Logic / alarm cable (2 m) |
B-530 | Humidity sensor 0 … 100 % RH, cable length: 3 m |
B-559 | Synchronization cable for synchronization of multiple GL7000 main units |
B-560 | Conversion connector between DSUB and screw terminal, for DC strain module GL7- DCB |
B-561 | Conversion cable between DSUB and NDIS, for DC strain module GL7-DCB |
B-562 | SMA-BNC conversion cable for Voltage Output Module (GL7- DCO), cable 2 m |
RIC-07 | Logic- IC- cable, for connecting RIC-08/09 to a Logic amplifier |
RIC-08 | Alligator clip cable |
RIC-09 | IC clip cable |
RIC-10 | Probe Set (Set RIC-07 to RIC-09) |
KA-BNC-BA4 @ | Connecting cable with 1 BNC connector (isolated) and 2 banana plug s 4 mm (not isolated) for safety extra- low
voltage, length 1.6 m |
KA-BNC- iso- sw-…@ | BNC safety connection cable with 2 BNC connectors, material: PVC, rating: 1000 V, CAT II (600 V CAT III), color
black |
ADAPAK2B- SB4 @ | Set of two clamps ( red/black), with protection against contact, 4 mm banana jack, for wires up to 9 .5mm,
recommended accessory for cable KA -BNC-BA 4 |
RIC-141A | Safe probe acc. to IEC/EN61010 (BNC safety type) 1:1, 42 pF, 1.2 m |
GL7000- Kit @ | Call for information |
B1009 90601 | Certificate inspection and test protocol |
GLET-B530-10K @ | Humidity supply box, for connecting up to 10 humidity sensors |
GLET-B513-KA-BA4 @ | Passive modular enclosure for trigger inputs, logic inputs and alarm outputs |
GLET-B513-KABA4-REL@ | Active modular enclosure for 1 trigger -and 2 logic inputs and 3 alarm outputs |
GLET- IU-BA2-BA4 @ | Passive modular enclosure for the conversion of up to 4 measuring signals 0(4) … 20 mAinto a precise 0(1) … 5 V
signal |
GLET-SU-BA2/B514-BI5@ | Active modular enclosure for wiring of an active transducer/sensor with voltage output in 3 -wire techno logy |
GLET-SG2K-BA2-BI7 @ | Active modular enclosure for the connection of passive strain gauge transducers/ sensors |
GLET-8B4K-BA2-BI5 @ | Active modular enclosure with base rack for up to 4 8B -module amplifiers, 8B modules for different sensors and
signals |
TK-midi – 4 @ | Transportationcase |
RIC-410 | K- type thermocouple, rod shaped, cable length 1.1 m |
RIC-420 | K- type thermocouple for static surfaces, cable length 1.1 m |
RIC-430 | L- type thermocouple for static surfaces, L- shaped, cable length 1.1 m |
TCK-401140 -5E @ | K- type thermocouple with adhesive pad, cable length 2 m, set of 5 pieces |
TCK-401301-5E @ | K- type thermocouple, cable length 2 m, set of 5 pieces |
TCT-401304 -5E @ | T- type thermocouple, cable length 2 m, set of 5 piece |
TCJ -401307-5E @ | J- type thermocouple, cable length 2 m, set of 5 pieces |
TCN-401310 -5E @ | N- type thermocouple, cable length 2 m, set of 5 pieces |
PT100 -514140 -1E | Pt100 resistance temperature sensor, 2- wire, cable length 2 m |
PT100 -515680 -1 E | Pt100 resistance temperature sensor, self-adhesive, 2 -wire, cable length 2 m |
WKZ- … @ | Factorycalibration |
1. Excluding the function module as the Display module or SSD module.
2. The Input/Output cable (B-513) is required for connecting the signal.
The Auto-balance signal input and the Busy signal output are used in the DC Strain Module.
3. The alarm signals are output on the terminal block attached to the main module as standard accessory.
4. It is available on the Logic/Pulse module .
5. Method of detection
Volt./Temp. module
The alarm is detected every 5 seconds when the sampling interval is longer than 5 seconds.
The alarm is detected in the sampling interval when the sampling interval is shorter than 5 seconds and reported.
Other modules:
The alarm is detected every 1ms when the sampling interval is shorter than 1ms and reported.
The alarm is detected in the sampling interval when the sampling interval is set between 2ms to 5 seconds and reported.
The alarm is detected every 5 seconds when the sampling interval is longer than 5 seconds and reported.
6. It is available when the captured data is saved to the built- in RAM. Maximum sampling interval 100 ms.
The pre- trigger function may not work in combination with the trigger settings.
7. The result of real time calculation is displayed in the digital display mode.
8. When the captured data destination is set to the built in -RAM, the captured data is not maintained after a power failure. The built – in Flash or
the SD memory card may be damaged by a power failure if it is being accessed to write data. If the memory device is not damaged, the closed
data file is maintained. The file is closed every one minute while data is being captured.
9. The USB drive mode is started by setting of the switch on the main module. It can be also started when the power is turned on while pressing
the key on the display module .
10. The SD memory card is not included as a standard accessory. Compatible SD card type: SD, SDHC Speed class 4 or la test. The SSD module is an
11. The capacity for saving the data is set to one third of available memory when the captured data destination is set to a device other than the
built- in-RAM. The sampling speed is limited up to 10 samples (100ms interval).
12. 12. Maximum sampling interval 100ms when multi- functions are used
13. 13. The Sync cable (B-559) is required when this function is used. The GL-Connection software is required when the synchronizing function is used.
14. 14.The SP2 or higher service pack need to be installed.
Moduły wejściowe
GL7-V | Voltage Module | |
Number of inputchannels | 10 channels | |
Input method | All channels isolated unbalanced input, simultaneous sampling, M3 screw terminals | |
Samplingrate (interval) | 1 kSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (1ms to 1h) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Measurementrange | 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V, 20 V, 50 V, 100 V and 1 -5 V | |
AD converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bits (effective resolution : 1/40000 of measuring full range) | |
Input impedance | 1 MΩ_ ±5 % | |
Max. inputvoltage |
betweenterminals +/ – | Range 100 mV to 1 V: 60 Vpp; range 2 V to 100 V: 100 Vpp |
betweenchannels | 60 Vpp | |
between channel / GND | 60 Vpp | |
Max.voltage | betweenchannels | 1000 Vss for 1 minute |
between channel / GND | 1000 Vss for 1 minute | |
between channel / GND | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Isolation resistance between channel / GND | Min. 50 M Ω (at 500 VDC) | |
Commonmoderejection ratio | Min. 90 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance : max. 300Ω) | |
Frequencyresponse | DC to 1 kHz (at +1/-3 dB) | |
Filter (low pass) | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 5 Hz, 50 Hz, 500 Hz (at -3 dB, 6 dB/ oct) | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 840 g |
GL7-HSV | High-SpeedVoltage Module | |
Number of inputchannels | 4channels | |
Input method | All channels isolated unbalanced input, simultaneous sampling, BNC connector | |
Samplingrate (interval) | 1 MSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (1μs to 1h) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Measurementrange | 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V, 20 V, 50 V, 100 V and 1 -5 V | |
AD converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bits (effective resolution : 1/40000 of measuring full range) | |
Input impedance | 1 MΩ_ ±5 % | |
Max. inputvoltage |
betweenterminals +/ – | Range 100 mV to 1 V: 60 Vpp; range 2 V to 100 V: 100 Vpp |
betweenchannels | 60 Vpp | |
between channel / GND | 60 Vpp | |
Max.voltage | betweenchannels | 1000 Vss for 1 minute |
between channel / GND | 1000 Vss for 1 minute | |
between channel / GND | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Isolation resistance between channel / GND | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Commonmoderejection ratio | Min. 90 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance : max. 300Ω) | |
Frequencyresponse | DC to 1 kHz (at +1/-3 dB) | |
Filter (low pass) | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 5 Hz, 50 Hz, 500 Hz, 5 kHz, 50 kHz (at -3 dB, 6 dB/ oct) | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 740 g |
GL7-HV | High Voltage Module | |
Number of inputchannels | 2channels | |
Input connector | Isolated BNC connector | |
Input method | All channels isolated unbalanced input, simultaneous sampling | |
Samplingrate (interval) | 1 MSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (1 μs to 1 h) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Input coupling | AC, DC, AC -RMS, DC -RMS | |
Measurementrange | AC, DC | 2 V, 5 V, 10 V, 20 V, 50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 500 V, 1 000 V |
AC-RMS, DC-RMS | 1 Vrms, 2 Vrms, 5 Vrms, 10 Vrms, 20 Vrms, 50 Vrms, 100 Vrms, 200 Vrms, 500 V rms | |
A/D converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bits
(effective resolution: AC, DC 1/40000 of measuring full range AC-RMS, DC-RMS 1/20000 of measuring full range) |
Input impedance | 1 MΩ_ ±5 % | |
Input signalsourceresistance | 1 kΩ_or less | |
Max. inputvoltage |
betweenterminals +/ – | 1000 Vpp |
betweenchannels | 300 VACrms | |
between channel / GND | 300 VACrms | |
voltage |
betweenchannels | 2300 VACrms for 1 minute |
between channel / GND | 2300 VACrms for 1 minute | |
Isolation resistance between channel / GND | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Commonmoderejection ratio | Min. 90 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300Ω) | |
Frequencyresponse | DC: DC to 200 kHz (+1/-3 dB); AC: 4 Hz to 200 kHz (+1/- 4.5 dB) | |
Filter | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 5 Hz, 50 Hz, 500 Hz, 5 kHz, 50 kHz (at -3dB, 6dB/oct) | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 740 g |
GL7-M | Voltage / Temperature Module | |
Number of inputchannels | 10channels | |
Input method | All channels isolated balanced input, scans channels for sampling, M3 screw terminals | |
Samplingrate (interval) | 100 Samples/s to 1 Sample/h (10 ms to 1 h) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Input coupling | AC, DC, AC -RMS, DC -RMS | |
Measurementrange | Voltage | 20 mV, 50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V, 20 V, 50 V and 1-5 V |
Temperature | Thermocouple: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N and W (WRe5 -26),
RTD: Pt100, JPt100 (JIS), Pt1000 (IEC751) |
Humidity*1 | 0 … 100 % RH (using scaling function in 1V range, humidity sensor B-530) | |
RJ compensation | Select internalorexternal | |
A/D converter | Sigma-Delta type, 16 bits (e_ective resolution : 1/40000 of measuring full range) | |
Input impedance | 1 MΩ_ ±5 % | |
Max. inputvoltage |
betweenterminals +/ – | 60 Vpp |
betweenchannels | 60 Vpp | |
between channel / GND | 60 Vpp | |
voltage |
betweenchannels | 350 Vpp for 1 minute |
between channel / GND | min. 50 M_ (at 500 VDC) | |
Isolation resistance between channel / GND | min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Commonmoderejection ratio | min. 90 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300Ω) | |
Filter | Off, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 ( Moving average in selected number.
When the sample is longer than 5 seconds, the data sampled in the sub-sample (5 seconds) will be used for creating the average value). |
5V output | Driving the humidity sensor B-530, 1 channel | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 770 g |
1.Using optional humidity sensor (B-530).
GL7-L/P | Input Module | |
Number of input channels | 16 channels | |
Input method | All channels common ground simultaneous sampling, circular connector (4ch/connector) | |
Samplingrate (interval) | Logicmode | Up to 1 MSamples/s ( 1 μs) |
Pulsemode | Up to 10 kSamples/s ( 100 μs) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Measurementmode | Selecting of the Logic input mode or Pulse input mode *4 | |
Mode | Pulse | Rotation count (RPM), accumulating count, instant count |
(RPM) |
Function | Counting the number of pulses per sampling interval and then it is converted to RPM |
Span | 50 rpm, 500 rpm, 5 k rpm, 50 krpm, 500 krpm, 5 Mrpm, 50 Mrpm, 500 Mrpm | |
Accumulatingcount | Function | Accumulating the number of pulses from start of measurement |
Span | 50 c , 500 c , 5 kc , 50 kc, 500 kc, 5 Mc, 50 Mc, 500 Mc (c = counts) | |
Instant count | Function | Counting the number of pulses per sampling interval (count is reset at each sampling) |
Span | 50 c , 500 c , 5 kc , 50 kc, 500 kc, 5 Mc, 50 Mc, 500 Mc | |
Max. inputfrequency | 1 MHz | |
Max. number of counts | 15 Mc (24 bits counter is used) | |
Input signal |
Voltagerange | 0 … +24 V (commonground ) |
Signaltype | Contact (Relay), Open Collector, Voltage | |
Threshold | approx. 2.5 V | |
Hysteresis | approx. 0.5 V (2.5 … 3 V) | |
Filter | OFF or ON (-3 dB at 50 Hz) | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 700 g |
1. The measuring mode is set in each module (16 channels).
In Logic mode, up to 7 modules can be attached to one main module (max. 112 channels).
In Pulse mode, up to 2 modules can be attached to one main module (max. 32 channels).
The maximum number of channels are limited to up to 112 channels
GL7-DCB | Input Module for gauge and strain sensors | |
Number of input channels | 4 channels | |
Input connector | D-SUB pins (female) standard accessory: 4xD-SUB 9 pin (male);
optional: accessory wiring connector (D-SUB / universal connector) |
Input method | All channels isolated balanced input, simultaneous sampling | |
Samplingrate (interval) | 100 kSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (10μs to 1 h) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Input type | DC voltage, strain, resistance (potentiometric) | |
Measurementrange | Strain | 500/1000/2000/5000/10000/20000με (με: 10-6 strain); 0.25/0.5/1.0/2.5/5.0/10.0 mV/V |
DC voltage | 1 mV, 2 mV, 5 mV, 10 mV, 20 mV, 50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V | |
Resistance | 1Ω, 2Ω, 5Ω, 10Ω, 20Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω, 200Ω, 500Ω, 1kΩ, 2kΩ, 5kΩ, 10kΩ, 20kΩ,50kΩ, | |
A/D Converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bit (effective resolution: 1/40000 of measuring full range) | |
Gauge ratio | 2.0 constant | |
sensors |
Strain*2 | 2-/3-/4-wire ¼ bridge (3-/4-wire remote sensing); 3-/4-/5-wire ½ bridge (4-/5-wire: remote sensing);
4-/6-wire full bridge (6-wire remote sensing); 4-wire full bridge with constant current excitation |
Resistance | Potentiometric, resistance | |
Bridge rsistance | 50 … 10 kΩ | |
Internalresistor*1 | Quarter, half bridge 120 Ω / 350 Ω | |
Excitationvoltage | DC 1V, 2 V, 2,5 V, 5 V, 10 V | |
Constantcurrentbridgeextitation | 0.1 20 mA (voltage 10V) | |
Zero adjust for
straingauge |
Method | Fully automatic (via push button or setting the condition menu) |
Max. range | ±10000 με (με: 10-6 strain) | |
Remote sensing | 3- or 4-wire quarter bridge, 4- or 5-wire half bridge, 6-wire full bridge | |
Shuntcalibration | Aprox. 60 kΩ (120Ω gauge), approx.. 175 kΩ (350Ω gauge) | |
Max. input voltage | Between terminals ±; DC 10 V (balanced input) | |
Commonmodevoltage10 VACrms | ||
Between channels 10 Vpp | ||
Betweenchanel / GND: 60 Vpp | ||
Withstandvoltage | Betweenchanel / GND: 1000 Vpp for 1 minute | |
Insulationresistance | Betweenchanel / GND: Min. 100 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Commonmoderejection ratio | Min. 80 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300 Ω) | |
Frequency response | DC to 20 kHz | |
Filter | LFP | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 3/6/10/30/50/60/100/300/500 Hz; 1/3/5/10 kHz at – 30 dB/oct |
AAF | Off. On (Anti Aliasing Filter) | |
TEDS | Standard | IEEE 1451.4 class 2 (template No.33) |
Information | OUT as rated output | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 840 g |
1.Remote sensing is not available when a NDIS connector is used. When a bridge box is used, the connection needs to be 4-wire or 6-wire full bridge. When connecting with a half bridge (opposite side), an additional bridge box is required. The shunt calibration is bridge (opposite side), an additional bridge box is required. The shunt calibration is available only | when the connecting is using a 3-wire, 4-wire quarter bridge, 5-wire full bridge, or 6-wire full bridge.
2. When the build-in bridge resistance is 120Ω, the excitation voltage needs to be set to 1V, 2v, or 2.5V. The gauge type and build-in resistance can be selected by DIP switch which is located on the front face of the module. |
GL7-CHA | Input Module for Charge and IPE Vibration Sensors. | ||
Number of input channels | 4 channels | ||
Input connector | BNC terminal, miniature connector (#10-32UNF) | ||
Input method | All channels isolated balanced input, simultaneous sampling | ||
Samplingrate (interval) | 100 kSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (10μs to 1 h) | ||
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | ||
Input type | Charge, IEPE, Charge-RMS, IEPE-RMS, AC, DC, AC-RMS,DC-RMS | ||
Measurementrange | Vibration sensor input | 1 m/s2, 2 m/s2,10 m/s2, 20 m/s2, 50 m/s2 ,100 m/s2, 200 m/s2, 500 m/s2 ,1000 m/s2,
2000 m/s2, 5000 m/s2 ,10000 m/s2, 20000 m/s2, 50000 m/s2 |
Voltage sensor | AC, DC:50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10V | ||
RMS: 20 mVrms, 50 mVrms, 100 mVrms, 200 mVrms, 500 mVrms, 1 mVrms, 2 mVrms, 5 mVrms | |||
Range up to 2 Vrms: crest factor 4; range 5 Vrms: crest factor 2 | |||
sensitivity |
Chargeinput | 0.01 pC/(m/s2) … 999.9 pC/(m/s2) | |
IEPE input | 0.01 pV/(m/s2) … 999.9 mV/(m/s2) | ||
A/D Converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bit (effective resolution: 1/40000 of measuring full range) | ||
Input impedance | 100 kΩ ±5% | ||
Power supply | 22 V ±10%, 4 mA, 8 mA ±10% | ||
Max. input charge | 50000 pC | ||
Max. input
voltage |
Between +/- terminal | 25 Vpp | |
Between channels | 25 Vpp | ||
Between channel / GND | 25 Vpp | ||
Max. voltage | Between channels | 300Vpp for 1 minute | |
Between channel / GND | 300 Vpp for 1 minute | ||
Insulationresistance | Between channel / GND | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Common mode rejection ratio | Min. 80 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300 Ω) | ||
Frequency response | Charge | 1.5 Hz … 45 kHz | |
IEPE | 1 Hz … 45 kHz | ||
Filter | HPF | ||
LPF | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 3 Hz, 6 HZ, 10 Hz, 30 Hz, 50 Hz, 6 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz; 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 5 kHz,
10 kHz at – 30 dB/oct |
AAF | Off. On (Anti Aliasing Filter) | ||
TEDS | Standard | IEEE 1451.4 class 2 (Template No.25) | |
Information | OUT as rated output | ||
Engineering scale function | Integration (velocity), double integration (displacement) | ||
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | ||
Weight | approx. 850 g |
Moduły funkcyjne
GL7-DISP | Display Module |
Display device | 5.7- inch TFT color LCD monitor (VGA: 640 x 480 dots) |
Operation | Touch panel and cursor keys*1 |
Touch panel | Capacitive type touch panel; Operated by finger or proprietary pen |
Displayedlanguage | English, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese |
Screensaver | Turns off backlight by 10s, 30s, 1 min, 20 min, 5 min, 10 min, 30 min or 60 min |
Displayedinformation | Waveform Y-T + digital values, waveform only, digital values only, waveform XY |
Connection cable | LAN cable (CAT5, straight, max. 10 m) *2 |
Standard accessories | Bracket for slanted mount, connection cable (40 cm), ground cable, screws |
Externaldimensions [WxDxH] | approx. 187 x 34.5 x 119 mm (excluding projections) |
Weight | approx. 530 g |
GL7- SSD | SSD Module | |
Memory | Solid state disc (SSD), form factor: 2.5- inch HDD | |
Capacity | approx. 64 GB (the file size of he captured data is limited up to GB) | |
(interval) *3 |
1 to 2 modules | max. 1 MSamples/s (1 μs) |
3 to 4 modules | max. 500 kSamples/s (2 μs) | |
5 to 10 modules | max. 200 kSamples/s (5 μs) | |
Externaldimensions [WxDxH] | approx. 49.2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 770 g |
GL7-DCD | VoltageOutput Module |
Number of outputchannels | 8 channels |
Outputconnector | SMA connector |
Samplingrate (interval) | 100 kSamples/s (10 μs) |
Output target | Voltage module, voltage /temperature module, high-speed voltage module, high voltage module, DC strain
module, charge/vibration module -Sampling interval from 10 μs – Temperature and humidity data is not compatible -Sine wave, pulsed wave (Duty cycle can be set when creating output data.), ramp wave, triangle wave, simple arbitrary waveform, DC voltage can be output by creating data with dedicated PC software. – Input signal can be recorded with input type module during output signal is generated from voltage output module. |
Outputrange | ±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V, ±10 V |
GL7-DCB | Input Module for gauge and strain sensors | |
Number of input channels | 4 channels | |
Input connector | D-SUB pins (female) standard accessory: 4xD-SUB 9 pin (male);
optional: accessory wiring connector (D-SUB / universal connector) |
Input method | All channels isolated balanced input, simultaneous sampling | |
Samplingrate (interval) | 100 kSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (10μs to 1 h) | |
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | |
Input type | DC voltage, strain, resistance (potentiometric) | |
Measurementrange | Strain | 500/1000/2000/5000/10000/20000με (με: 10-6 strain); 0.25/0.5/1.0/2.5/5.0/10.0 mV/V |
DC voltage | 1 mV, 2 mV, 5 mV, 10 mV, 20 mV, 50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V | |
Resistance | 1Ω, 2Ω, 5Ω, 10Ω, 20Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω, 200Ω, 500Ω, 1kΩ, 2kΩ, 5kΩ, 10kΩ, 20kΩ,50kΩ, | |
A/D Converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bit (effective resolution: 1/40000 of measuring full range) | |
Gauge ratio | 2.0 constant | |
sensors |
Strain*2 | 2-/3-/4-wire ¼ bridge (3-/4-wire remote sensing); 3-/4-/5-wire ½ bridge (4-/5-wire: remote sensing);
4-/6-wire full bridge (6-wire remote sensing); 4-wire full bridge with constant current excitation |
Resistance | Potentiometric, resistance | |
Bridge rsistance | 50 … 10 kΩ | |
Internalresistor*1 | Quarter, half bridge 120 Ω / 350 Ω | |
Excitationvoltage | DC 1V, 2 V, 2,5 V, 5 V, 10 V | |
Constantcurrentbridgeextitation | 0.1 20 mA (voltage 10V) | |
Zero adjust for
straingauge |
Method | Fully automatic (via push button or setting the condition menu) |
Max. range | ±10000 με (με: 10-6 strain) | |
Remote sensing | 3- or 4-wire quarter bridge, 4- or 5-wire half bridge, 6-wire full bridge | |
Shuntcalibration | Aprox. 60 kΩ (120Ω gauge), approx.. 175 kΩ (350Ω gauge) | |
Max. input voltage | Between terminals ±; DC 10 V (balanced input) | |
Withstandvoltage | Betweenchanel / GND: 1000 Vpp for 1 minute | |
Insulationresistance | Betweenchanel / GND: Min. 100 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Commonmoderejection ratio | Min. 80 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300 Ω) | |
Frequency response | DC to 20 kHz | |
Filter | LFP | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 3/6/10/30/50/60/100/300/500 Hz; 1/3/5/10 kHz at – 30 dB/oct |
AAF | Off. On (Anti Aliasing Filter) | |
TEDS | Standard | IEEE 1451.4 class 2 (template No.33) |
Information | OUT as rated output | |
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | |
Weight | approx. 840 g |
1.Remote sensing is not available when a NDIS connector is used. When a bridge box is used, the connection needs to be 4-wire or 6-wire full bridge. When connecting with a half bridge (opposite side), an additional bridge box is required. The shunt calibration is bridge (opposite side), an additional bridge box is required. The shunt calibration is available only | when the connecting is using a 3-wire, 4-wire quarter bridge, 5-wire full bridge, or 6-wire full bridge.
2. When the build-in bridge resistance is 120Ω, the excitation voltage needs to be set to 1V, 2v, or 2.5V. The gauge type and build-in resistance can be selected by DIP switch which is located on the front face of the module. |
GL7-CHA | Input Module for Charge and IPE Vibration Sensors. | ||
Number of input channels | 4 channels | ||
Input connector | BNC terminal, miniature connector (#10-32UNF) | ||
Input method | All channels isolated balanced input, simultaneous sampling | ||
Samplingrate (interval) | 100 kSamples/s to 1 Sample/h (10μs to 1 h) | ||
Build- in RAM | 2 MSamples | ||
Input type | Charge, IEPE, Charge-RMS, IEPE-RMS, AC, DC, AC-RMS,DC-RMS | ||
Measurementrange | Vibration sensor input | 1 m/s2, 2 m/s2,10 m/s2, 20 m/s2, 50 m/s2 ,100 m/s2, 200 m/s2, 500 m/s2 ,1000 m/s2,
2000 m/s2, 5000 m/s2 ,10000 m/s2, 20000 m/s2, 50000 m/s2 |
Voltage sensor | AC, DC:50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10V | ||
RMS: 20 mVrms, 50 mVrms, 100 mVrms, 200 mVrms, 500 mVrms, 1 mVrms, 2 mVrms, 5 mVrms | |||
Range up to 2 Vrms: crest factor 4; range 5 Vrms: crest factor 2 | |||
sensitivity |
Chargeinput | 0.01 pC/(m/s2) … 999.9 pC/(m/s2) | |
IEPE input | 0.01 pV/(m/s2) … 999.9 mV/(m/s2) | ||
A/D Converter | Successive Approximation type, 16 bit (effective resolution: 1/40000 of measuring full range) | ||
Input impedance | 100 kΩ ±5% | ||
Power supply | 22 V ±10%, 4 mA, 8 mA ±10% | ||
Max. input charge | 50000 pC | ||
Max. input
voltage |
Between +/- terminal | 25 Vpp | |
Between channels | 25 Vpp | ||
Between channel / GND | 25 Vpp | ||
Max. voltage | Between channels | 300Vpp for 1 minute | |
Between channel / GND | 300 Vpp for 1 minute | ||
Insulationresistance | Between channel / GND | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 VDC) | |
Common mode rejection ratio | Min. 80 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300 Ω) | ||
Frequency response | Charge | 1.5 Hz … 45 kHz | |
IEPE | 1 Hz … 45 kHz | ||
Filter | HPF | ||
LPF | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 3 Hz, 6 HZ, 10 Hz, 30 Hz, 50 Hz, 6 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz; 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 5 kHz,
10 kHz at – 30 dB/oct |
AAF | Off. On (Anti Aliasing Filter) | ||
TEDS | Standard | IEEE 1451.4 class 2 (Template No.25) | |
Information | OUT as rated output | ||
Engineering scale function | Integration (velocity), double integration (displacement) | ||
External dimensions (W×D×H) | approx. 49,2 x 136 x 160 mm (excluding projections) | ||
Weight | approx. 850 g |