Graphtec GL980
Wszystkie kanały wejściowe są galwanicznie, wzajemnie od siebie odizolowane
i odizolowane od masy. Daje to gwarancję pełnej separacji podawanych sygnałów. Każde z wejść możemy skonfigurować do pomiaru dowolnego parametru, tzn.: napięcia, temperatury, wilgotności lub prądu z przetwornika napięcie prąd. Wielofunkcyjne urządzenie GL980 umożliwia więc jednoczesny pomiar i rejestrację zupełnie różnych parametrów i analizę zależności między mierzonymi wielkościami.
Zakresy pomiarów
Napięcie | 20 mV to 500 V, 1-5 V |
Temperatura | Termopary K, E, J, T, N, R, S, B, W |
Wilgotność | 0 to 100% |
Częstość próbkowania
Maksymalna częstość próbkowania wynosi 1µs. Górnym ograniczeniem jest 1 min. Próbki są pobierane we wszystkich kanałach jednocześnie. W przypadku zastosowania okresu próbkowania krótszego niż 1ms, rejestrator temperatury zapisuje dane w wewnętrznej pamięci RAM.
Współpraca z komputerem
Urządzenie posiada dwa porty USB: jeden do współpracy z pamięcią USB oraz drugi, do połączenia z PC. Ponadto GL980 wyposażone jest w port sieci LAN co umożliwia dostęp do zawartości pamięci urządzenia z dużej odległości oraz pełną, zdalną kontrolę rejestratora.
Możliwość współpracy z wieloma rodzajami pamięci
Dane śledzone przez dłuższe okresy czasu, o okresach próbkowania do 1 ms do 1min, mogą być przechwycone bezpośrednio do wewnętrznej pamięci fleszowej 3.9 GB lub do zewnętrznej pamięci USB. W przypadku zastosowania okresu próbkowania krótszego od 1 ms, 4 milion próbek/kanał może być zapisane w wewnętrznej pamięci RAM. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu uzyskano bardzo dużą elastyczność przy realizacji pomiarów i ich analizie.
Przechwytywanie danych (pomiar w 8 kanałach)
Częstość próbkowania | 1µs | 10µs | 1ms | 1s |
Wewnętrzny RAM (do 4 mln próbek) | 4 sek. | 40 sek | Około 66 min. | 46 dni |
Wewnętrzna pamięć flash 3.9 GB | – | – | 2 dni 6 godz. | Ponad 1 rok |
Zewnętrzna pamięć SD/USB | – | – | 2 dni 11 godz. | Ponad 1 rok |
Załączone oprogramowanie
Standardowo rejestrator temperatury wyposażony jest w aplikację PC, która umożliwia konfigurowanie GL980 i wykonywanie pomiarów sterując pracą GL980 bezpośrednio z komputera poprzez złącze USB lub LAN. Dodatkowo, aby lepiej monitorować przebieg sygnałów analogowych, oprogramowanie umożliwia inne przydatne funkcje, takie jak bezpośredni zapis danych w pliku Excel i tworzenie raportu, wyświetlanie wyników pomiarów w układzie X–Y czy też w formie „słupków” odzwierciedlających wartość liczbową Y-T. Wspiera przesyłanie danych w czasie rzeczywistym do częstości próbkowania 1 ms. Można również wyświetlić dane zapisane w wewnętrznym RAM. Aby zwiększyć użyteczność programu, dostępny jest też system pomocy.
Czytelny 7-calowy kolorowy wyświetlacz LCD
Żywy, czytelny 7-calowy kolorowy wyświetlacz LCD z matrycą TFT, daje doskonały podgląd ustawionych parametrów pomiaru, przechwyconych sygnałów analogowych i wartości cyfrowych.
Możliwość ciągłej pracy na zasilaniu bateryjnym
Wydajny opcjonalny zestaw akumulatorowy umożliwia pracę wszędzie tam, gdzie brakuje stałego zasilania lub może być ono często przerywane. Dla określonych parametrów pomiaru zestaw umożliwia do 2,4 godz. ciągłych pomiarów i pokazuje ilość pozostałej jeszcze energii. W przypadku spadku napięcia na bateriach wszystkie pliki są zapisywane i bezpiecznie zamykane.
Różnorodne wbudowane funkcje uruchamiania i zatrzymywania pomiaru
GL980 można zaprogramować w ten sposób, aby włączał się automatycznie i wykonywał pomiar w momentach czasowych istotnych dla występujących sygnałów. Służą temu kombinacje sygnału przełączającego (triger) i zegara.
Main unit specifications
Item | Description | |
Display (LCD) | Size | 7-inch TFT color LCD (WVGA: 800 x 480 dots) |
Information | Waveform in Y-T with digital values, Enlarged waveforms, Digital values and Real-time statistical result values, XY graph |
Language | English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese | |
Interface to PC | Type | Ethernet (10 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX), USB2.0 |
Function | Data transfer to PC (up to 1 ms sampling), Control command to GL980 | |
Ethernet functions | Web server function, FTP server function, NTP client function, DHCP client function, Email send function |
USB function | USB mode (File transfer and deletion from built-in flash and SD on GL980) | |
Trigger function | Trigger action | Start or stop capturing data by triggering |
Trigger source | • Start: Off, Measured signal, Alarm, External, Scheduled time, Scheduled day, Elapsed time • Stop: Off, Measured signal, Alarm, External, Scheduled time, Scheduled day, Elapsed time |
Combination | Level OR, Level AND, Edge OR, Edge AND | |
Threshold | • Analog (*1): High or Low in level mode, Rising or Falling in edge mode, Window-in, Window-out • Logic: H or L (4-channel signal pattern) • Pulse: High or Rising, Low or Falling, Window-in, Window-out |
Repeat action | Off, On (Re-armed automatically) | |
Trigger hold out | Hold off repeat action in specified period • Mode: Previous start to next start, previous stop to next start • Time: zero second (no hold off) to 9999 hrs. 59 min. 59 sec |
Defection accuracy | ± 0.5 % of measurement range | |
Pre-trigger | Up to the number of capturing data points (max. 4000000) specified in built-in RAM (only when built-in RAM is used) |
Alarm function | Alarm action | Displays and outputs a signal when alarm is detected |
Threshold | • Analog input: High, Low, Window-in, Window-out • Logic input: H or L (signal in each channel) • Pulse input: High or Rising, Low or Falling, Window-in, Window-out |
Combination | OR (Source channel can be assigned with OR condition to output port) | |
Detection cycle | Link with analog sampling | |
Alarm holding | On or Off | |
Detection accuracy | ± 0.5 % of measurement range | |
Storage deice | Built-in RAM | Four million samples for each channel • Memory partition: 4 M samples x 1 bank, 2 M sample x 2 banks, 1 M samples x 4 banks, 500 k samples x 8 banks • Capturing data points: Specified 10 to 4000000 • Data type: Captured data • Auto-save: Transfer captured data to other devices after capturing is completed (It can be enabled or disabled) |
Built-in Flash | 4 GB (for capacity of data: approx. 3.9 GB) • Data type: Captured data, Condition settings, Screen copy |
External USB (*2) | Support USB Flash memory device (*3) by USB2.0 Type A port, Single port, No memory capacity limit • Data type: Captured data, Condition settings, Screen copy |
External SD CARD (*2) |
Support SDHC memory card (up to 32 GB) by SD Card slot, Single slot • Data type: Captured data, Condition settings, Screen copy |
Capturing mode | Mode | Off (Normal), Ring, Relay |
Off (Normal) | Save data between start to stop | |
Ring (*4) | Save most recent data of specified number • Destination: Built-in RAM, Built-in Flash, USB or SD • Number of capturing data: 1000 to 10000000 data (*5) • Sampling: up to 1 MS/s (interval 1 μs) in built-in RAM, up to 1 kS/s (interval 1 ms) with GBD format in other device, up to 100 S/s (interval 10 ms) with CSV format in other device |
Relay | Save data to multiple files with specified capturing time or file size (up to 4 GB) until recording data is stopped • Destination: Built-in Flash, USB or SD • Sampling: up to 1 kS/s (interval 1 ms) with GBD format, up to 100 S/s (interval 10 ms) with CSV format |
Data backup | Interval (*6) | Off, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24 hrs., specific time, or any time with key operation • Sampling: up to 1 kS/s (interval 1 ms) with GBD format, up to 100 S/s (interval 10 ms) with CSV format |
File destination (*6) | Built-in Flash, USB or SD, FTP | |
Data format (*6) | GBD (binary) or CSV (test) | |
Hot-swapping external memory |
Hot-swapping USB or SD Flash memory with key operation during data backup | |
Search function | Function | Search for specific point in captured data |
Search factor | • Analog: Signal levels in each channel • Logic: 4-channel signal pattern • Pulse: Rising, Falling, Window-in, Window-out in each channel • Alarm: Alarm occurring point |
Calculation function | Statistical | Real-time: Display digital and statistical values at the same time • Function: Maximum, Minimum, Peak-to-peak (P-P), Average |
Replay: Statistical values between cursors in replay captured data • Function: Maximum, Minimum, Peak-to-peak (P-P), Average, RMS |
Between channels | Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for two analog inputs (only in GBD format) | |
Scaling (Engineering unit) function | Measured value can be converted to the specified engineering unit • Analog voltage: Converts using four reference points (gain, offset) • Temperature: Converts using two reference points (offset) • Pulse count: Converts using two reference points (gain) |
Annotation function | Comment can be set in each channel, up to 31 alphanumeric characters and symbols (Display first 8 characters on screen) |
Operating environment | 0 to 40 ºC when driven by AC adapter or battery, 5 to 85 % RH (non condensed) | |
Power source | AC adapter: 100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz DC power: 8.5 to 24 V DC (required cable option B-514) Battery pack: Two battery packs (option B-569) required |
Power consumption | AC adapter (in 240 V AC) |
Approx. 48 VA (66 VA while charging battery) with disabling screen saver Approx. 43 VA (62 VA while charging battery) with enabling screen saver |
DC drive (24 V) | Approx. 0.6 A (0.9 A while charging battery) with disable screen saver Approx. 0.53 A (0.82 A while charging battery) with enabling screen saver |
DC drive (12 V) | Approx. 1.22 A (Cannot charge battery) with disable screen saver Approx. 1.07 A (Cannot charge battery) with enabling screen saver |
DC drive (8.5 V) | Approx. 1.81 A (Cannot charge battery) with disable screen saver Approx. 1.55 A (Cannot charge battery) with enabling screen saver |
External dimensions [W×H×D] | Approx. 260 x 161 x 83 mm (with the cover) | |
Weight | Approx. 1.7 kg (the cover is attached, AC adapter and battery are not included) | |
Vibration resistance | Compatible with JIS Vibration test method for automobile Type 1 Class A (Vibration durability test: 5 m/s²) |
(*1) It can set for each channel.
(*2) File size of captured data is up to 4GB in each file.
(*3) Standard USB memory devices are required.
(*4) Required minimum capturing time is 15 seconds in GBD format, 30 seconds with CSV format.
(*5) When using built-in RAM, 10 to 4000000 data
(*6) * The CSV format and FTP server are available with firmware version 1.14 or rater.<
– When the RING mode or external pulse synchronization sampling is selected for recording, the backup function is not available.
– When there are meany number of active channels, the sampling time is fast, or the backup interval is long, it may take time to closing the data file after recording stops because the size of the data to be backed up becomes large.
– When backup is enabled and data file format is specified with CSV format, SD memory card exchange (hot-swapping) and RELAY recording are not available.
Analog input specifications
Item | Description | |||
Number of input channels | 8 channels | |||
Type of input terminal | Isolated BNC connector and Screw terminal (M3.5 screw) (*7) | |||
Input method | All channels isolated unbalanced input, Simultaneous sampling | |||
Sampling speed (interval) | 1 M Samples/s to 1 Sample/min (1 μs to 1 min) and External (*8) • Sampling interval: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 μs, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 ms, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 sec, 1 min * When using built-in RAM: 1 μs to 1 min, using other storage: 1 ms to 1 min |
Frequency response | DC to 200 kHz (within +1/-4 dB) | |||
Measurement range |
Voltage (DC) | 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 V, and 1-5V F.S. | ||
DC-RMS (DC coupling and rms value meas.) |
10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 mV rms, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 V rms F.S. • Crest Factor: up to 2 • Frequency response: 20 Hz to 10 kHz• Measures the accumulated value of the DC and AC components in effective value, that is a true-RMS |
Temperature | Thermocouple: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, W (WRe5-26) | |||
Humidity | 0 to 100 % RH – using the humidity sensor (option B-530) | |||
Filter (Low pass) | Off, Line (1.5 Hz), 5, 50, 500 Hz, 5, 50 kHz (at -3dB, -6dB/oct) | |||
A/D converter | 16-bit (effective resolution: 1/40000 of the measuring full range) | |||
Measurement accuracy (*9) |
Voltage (DC) | ± 0.25% of Full Scale | ||
Voltage (RMS) | ± 1.5% of Full Scale (Sine wave in 20 Hz – 10 kHz) | |||
Temperature (Thermocouple) (*10) |
Type | Measurement range | Measurement accuracy | |
R/S | 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC 100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC R: 300 < TS ≤ 1600 ºC S: 300 < TS ≤ 1760 ºC |
± 7.0 ºC ± 5.0 ºC ± (0.05 % of reading + 3.0 ºC) ± (0.05 % of reading + 3.0 ºC) |
B | 400 ≤ TS ≤ 600 ºC 600 < TS ≤ 1820 ºC |
± 5.5 ºC ± (0.05 % of reading + 3.0 ºC) |
K | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC -100 < TS ≤ 1370 ºC |
± (0.05 % of reading + 3.0 ºC) ± (0.05 % of reading + 2.0 ºC) |
E | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC -100 < TS ≤ 800 ºC |
± (0.05 % of reading + 3.0 ºC) ± (0.05 % of reading + 2.0 ºC) |
T | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC -100 < TS ≤ 400 ºC |
± (0.1 % of reading + 2.5 ºC) ± (0.1 % of reading + 1.5 ºC) |
J | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC -100 < TS ≤ 100 ºC 100 < TS ≤ 1100 ºC |
± 3.7 ºC ± 2.7 ºC ± (0.05 % of reading + 2.0 ºC) |
N | -200 ≤ TS < 0 ºC 0 ≤ TS < 1300 ºC |
± (0.1 % of reading + 3.0 ºC) ± (0.1 % of reading + 2.0 ºC) |
W | 0 ≤ TS ≤ 2315 ºC | ± (0.1 % of reading + 2.5 ºC) | ||
Reference Junction Compensation (R.J.C.) accuracy: ± 1.0 ºC | ||||
R.J. Compensation | Internal or External | |||
Burnout | Detecting burnout of Thermocouple with menu operation in free-run mode | |||
Input impedance | 1 MΩ ±5% | |||
Signal source impedance | up to 1 kΩ | |||
Maximum input voltage |
Between (+) – (-) terminal |
20 mV to 2 V range: 30 V DC, 5 V to 500 V range: 500 V DC |
Between channels (-) – (-) terminals) |
60 V P-P | |||
Between channel – GND |
60 V P-P | |||
Maximum voltage (withstand) |
Between channels |
1000 V P-P (1 minute) | ||
Between channels – GND |
1000 V P-P (1 minute) | |||
Isolation resistance | Min. 50 MΩ (at 500 V DC) with between input and GND | |||
Common-mode rejection ratio | Min. 90 dB (50/60 Hz, signal source impedance: max. 300 Ω) | |||
Signal-noise ratio (S/N) | 20 mV range: – 40 dB (when input terminals + and – are shorted) Other range: – 50 dB (when input terminals + and – are shorted) |
(*7) Connections can be made individually to BNC terminal or M3.5 screw terminal.
(*8) Required Input/Output cable for GL series (B-513) option for connecting signal.
(*9) Subject to the following conditions:
• Room temperature is 23 ºC ± 5 ºC.
• When 30 minutes or more have elapsed after power has turned on.
• Filter is set to Line (1.5 Hz) in DC measurement and temperature.
• GND terminal is connected to ground.
• It is placed vertically.
• Average of the measured values is used.
(*10) Wire size of Thermocouple used is 0.32mm diameter in the T and K type, and 0.65mm diameter in other types.
External input & output signal specifications
Item | Description | |
External input/output |
Input (*11, *12) | Logic or Pulse (4 channels), Trigger or Sampling (1 channel) |
Output (*11, *13) | Alarm (4 channels) or Trigger (1 channel) with Alarm (3 channels) | |
Input signal specification |
Logic and Pulse | Voltage range: 0 to +30 V (common ground) Threshold: Approx. +2.5 V Hysteresis: Approx. 0.5 V (+2.5 to +3 V) |
External trigger and sampling |
Voltage range: 0 to +30 V (common ground) Threshold: Approx. +1.9 V Hysteresis: Approx. 0.2 V (+1.9 to +2.1 V) |
Logic measurement | Measures the status (H or L) of the signal input to each channel | |
Pulse measurement |
Measurement | Counts pulse signals input to each channel |
Pulse count detection cycle |
10 μs to 1 hr. (Set separately from analog signal sampling interval) | |
Maximum pulse input |
Maximum input frequency: 100 kHz, Maximum count number: 15 M count (24 bit counter) |
Measurement mode |
Rotation: Counts the number of pulses per detection cycle and then converts measured value to rotation in rpm • Span: 0 to 500 M rpm/F.S. |
Accumulating: Accumulates the number of pulses count per detection cycle from the start of measurement • Span: 0 to 20 M count/F.S. (Span is set automatically) |
Instant: Counts the number of pulses per detection cycle • Span: 0 to 20 M count/F.S. |
External trigger input (*11) | Executes specified trigger action | |
External sampling input (*11) | Executes sampling of measurement signal with each external sampling signal • Maximum input frequency: 100 kHz (Time error: 1 μs or less) |
Output signal | Alarm output | Open collector (pull-up to 5 V with 10 kΩ resistor) • Maximum load is the 24 V and 100 mA |
Trigger output | When a trigger is detected, output terminal releases approximately 500 μs width pulse (Low active) |
(*11) Required Input/Output cable for GL series (B-513) option for connecting signal.
(*12) Select either Logic input (4 channels) or Pulse input (4 channels), select either external Trigger input or Sampling input.
(*13) Select either Trigger output (1 channel) or Alarm output (1 channel). Available 3 channels Alarm output always.
Software specifications
Item | Description | |
Model name | GL980_2000-APS | |
Supported OS (*14) | Windows10, 8.1, 8, 7 (SP1 or later) | |
Functions | Control GL980 and GL2000, Real-time data capture, Replay data, and Data format conversion | |
Supported device | 1 unit of GL980 or GL2000 | |
Settings control | Input condition, Capturing condition, Trigger/Alarm condition, other | |
Transfer of captured data |
In memory capturing with GL980 |
Transfer the captured data to a PC sequentially while data is saved in built-in RAM on GL980 • Sampling interval: 1 μs to 1 min |
In real time capturing |
Transfer the captured data to a PC while data is saved in built-in flash memory, SD or USB on GL980 • Sampling interval: 1 ms to 1 min saved in GBD and CSV format |
Displayed information | Analog waveform, Logic waveform, Pulse count waveform, Digital value | |
Display mode | Waveform in Y-T with digital values, Enlarged waveforms, Statistical calculation result values and history, XY graph |
File operation | Converting data format to CSV from GBD binary with data between cursors or all data | |
Past data screen function | Displays the current data or past part of data by switching. Available at sampling speed 1 kS/s to 1 S/m (1 ms to 1 min sampling interval) |
Statistical calculation | Maximum, Minimum, Average and Peak-to-peak (p-p) value during data capturing |
(*14) Graphtec does not support software/driver used with operating systems that have become obsolete and are no longer supported by the OS developer.
In the Windows 7, edition of Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional and Home Premium are supported.
Standard accessories
AC adapter with power cable
Quick start guide and Safety guide
CD-ROM (PC application software, User manual)
Cover (attached to the main body)
Tilt stand set (including mounting screws M4)
Screws (M3.5) for input terminal
Ferrite core (attach to cable for radiation reduction)
Battery pack B-569 (option) Specifications
Item | Description |
Capacity | 7.2 V, 2900 mAh |
Battery operating time | Approx. 2 hrs. in displayed signal (LCD: max. brightness) Approx. 2.5 hrs. in screen saver mode (no display) * When two battery packs are installed in GL980. Condition: 1 sample per second (1 s), saving captured data to built-in Flash, use two fully charged battery packs, temperature is 25 ºC |
Method of charging | Charging on GL980 |
Charging time | Approx 10 hrs. (charging two batteries) |
Other functions | • If an AC power failure occurs, it will automatically switch from the AC adapter to the battery pack. (AC adapter priority use) • When the voltage of the battery pack reaches low, the measurement is automatically stopped after saving data file preserving the accumulated data. |
Humidity Sensor B-530 (option) Specifications
Item | Description | |
Allowable temperature range | -25 to 80℃ | |
Allowable humidity range | 0 to 100% RH | |
Relative humidity measurement accuracy | ±3% RH(5 to 98% RH at 25℃) | |
Method | Capacitance method | |
Relative humidity measurement accuracy (5 to 98%) | Measurement environment | Measurement accuracy |
0 to 10℃ | ±5% RH | |
10 to 20℃ | ±4% RH | |
20 to 30℃ | ±3% RH | |
30 to 40℃ | ±4% RH | |
40 to 50℃ | ±5% RH | |
50 to 60℃ | ±6% RH | |
60 to 70℃ | ±7% RH | |
70 to 80℃ | ±8% RH | |
* Measurement accuracy at 60℃ or more is a reference value. | ||
Response time | 15 sec. (90% response when membrance filter is installed) | |
Sensor output | 0 to 1 VDC | |
External dimensions | Φ14 x 80 mm (excluding cable) | |
Cable length | 3 m | |
Sensor power source | DC + 5 to +16 V | |
Power consumption | approx. 4 mA |
Options and Accessories
Item | Model No. | Description |
Input/Output cable for GL | B-513 | 2 m long (no clip on end of cable) |
DC drive cable | B-514 | 2 m long (no clip on end of cable) |
Humidity sensor | B-530 | With 3 m long signal cable (with power plug) |
Shunt resistor | B-551 | 250 ohms (Converts signal from “4-20mA” to “1-5V”.) |
Battery pack | B-569 | Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery (7.2 V, 2900mAh) |
Bracket for DIN rail | B-570 | Bracket for DIN rail (GL980 main body), Build-to-order |
Cover | B-579 | Rubber protector (for replacement) |
Storage case | B-581 | Storage for GL series (except GL7000 and GL100) |
Input cable, Safe probe – BNC | RIC-141A | Insulated, 1:1 (42pf), 1.2 m long, 300 V, CAT III |
Input cable, BNC – BNC | RIC-142 | Insulated, 1.5 m long, 1000 V, CAT II (600 V, CAT III) |
Input cable, Banana – BNC | RIC-143 | Insulated, 1.6 m long, 600 V, CAT II (300 V, CAT III) |
Clip, Alligator (small size) | RIC-144A | For RIC-143/147, Aperture 11 mm, 300 V, CAT II, Max. 15 A |
Clip, Alligator (middle size) | RIC-145 | For RIC-143/147, Aperture 20 mm, 1000 V, CAT II, Max. 32 A |
Clip, Grabber | RIC-146 | For RIC-143/147, Aperture 5 mm, 1000 V, CAT III, Max. 1 A |
Input cable, Banana – BNC (Hi-voltage) | RIC-147 | Insulated, 1.6 m long, 1000 V, CAT II (600 V, CAT III) |
Input terminal adapter | SMA-102 | Banana (receptacle) to BNC (plug), Insulated |
AC Adapter | ACADP-20 | For replacement Input: 100 – 240 V AC, Output: 24 V DC |