Graphtec GL840
Standardowym wyposażeniem rejestratora jest aplikacja PC, która umożliwia pełną kontrolę pracy rejestratora bezpośrednio z komputera. Dodatkowo, aby lepiej monitorować przebieg sygnałów okresowych, oprogramowanie umożliwia inne przydatne funkcje, takie jak: bezpośredni zapis danych w pliku Excel i tworzenie raportu lub interpretacje wyników pomiarów na wykresie X-Y. Rejestrator współpracuje z komputerem przez interface USB 2.0 i Ethernet. Funkcja „Web & FTP server” umożliwia sterowanie pracą rejestratora przy użyciu przeglądarki internetowej, a także monitoring pomiarów i transfer przechwyconych danych do komputera.
GRAPHTEC GGL840 jest 20 – to kanałowym (w standardzie), z możliwością rozbudowy do 200 kanałów, rejestratorem wielkości fizycznych. Posiada 20 izolowanych, wielofunkcyjnych, analogowych kanałów pomiarowych, 4 kanały do pomiaru sygnałów logicznych/impulsowych, 1 wejście sygnałów sterujących i cztery wyjścia sygnałów alarmowych. Umożliwia bezpośredni pomiar napięć, temperatury, wilgotności oraz parametrów sygnałów impulsowych, np: funkcja licznika obrotów. Przystosowany jest także do wykonywania pomiarów pośrednich z użyciem przetworników napięcie/prąd. Bezpośrednią obserwację rejestrowanych sygnałów umożliwia czytelny kolorowy 7 calowy wyświetlacz LCD. Standardowo z rejestratorem dostarczana jest aplikacja PC, która umożliwia, z poziomu komputera, pełną kontrolę pracy rejestratora przez port USB lub sieć LAN.
Cechy warte podkreślenia
20 izolowanych kanałów, wielofunkcyjność pomiaru
Wszystkie kanały wejściowe są galwanicznie, wzajemnie od siebie odizolowane i odizolowane od masy. Daje to gwarancję pełnej separacji podawanych sygnałów. Standardowa konfiguracja 20-kanałowa może być łatwo rozbudowana do 200 kanałów. Każde z wejść możemy skonfigurować do pomiaru dowolnego parametru, tzn: napięcia, temperatury, wilgotności lub prądu z przetwornika napięcie prąd. Wielofunkcyjne urządzenie GL840 umożliwia więc jednoczesny pomiar i rejestrację zupełnie różnych parametrów i analizę zależności między mierzonymi wielkościami.
Zakresy pomiarów
Napięcie | 20 mV to 100 V, 1-5 V F.S. |
Temperatura | Termopary: K, E, J, T, N, R, S, B, W;RTD: PT100, JPT100, PT1000 |
Wilgotność | 0 to 100% |
Częstość próbkowania
Maksymalna częstość próbkowania wynosi 10ms przy zastrzeżeniu, że pomiar jest ograniczony do 10 kanałów. Górnym ograniczeniem jest 1 godz.
Częstość próbkowania | 10 ms | 50 ms | 100 ms | 200 ms | 500 ms | 1 s | 10 s |
Wbudowana pamięć SD 4 GB | Około 31 dób | Około 77 dób | Około 95 dób | Około 108 dób | Około 270 dób | Około 365 dób | Ponad 365 dób |
Format CSV | 3 doby | 11 dób | 16 dób | 21 dób | 54 doby | 109 dób | Ponad 365 dób |
Wbudowana wewnętrzna pamięć SD o pojemności 4 GB
Wbudowana wewnętrzna pamięć SD pozwala na rejestrację przechwyconych danych przez okres 5068 dni. Używając zewnętrznej pamięci SD o pojemności 32 GB możemy czas rejestracji wydłużyć do 1294 dni. Podane powyżej czasy przechwytu danych uzyska się w wrunkach: pomiar na 20 kanałach analogowych, sygnały impulsowe i logiczne wyłączone.
Współpraca z komputerem
Urządzenie posiada dwa porty USB: jeden do współpracy z pamięcią USB oraz drugi, do połączenia z PC. Ponadto GL840 wyposażone jest w port sieci LAN, co umożliwia dostęp do zawartości pamięci urządzenia z dużej odległości, oraz pełną, zdalną kontrolę rejestratora.
Załączone oprogramowanie
Standardowym wyposażeniem rejestratora jest aplikacja PC, która umożliwia wykonywanie pomiarów sterując pracą GL840 bezpośrednio z komputera poprzez złącze USB lub LAN. Dodatkowo, aby lepiej monitorować przebieg sygnałów analogowych, oprogramowanie umożliwia inne przydatne funkcje, takie jak bezpośredni zapis danych w pliku Excel i tworzenie raportu, wyświetlanie wyników pomiarów w układzie X–Y czy też w formie „słupków” odzwierciedlających wartość liczbową. Aby zwiększyć użyteczność programu, dostępny jest też system pomocy.
Czytelny 7-calowy kolorowy wyświetlacz LCD
Żywy, czytelny 7-calowy kolorowy wyświetlacz LCD z matrycą TFT, daje doskonały podgląd ustawionych parametrów pomiaru, przechwyconych sygnałów analogowych i wartości cyfrowych (WVGA: 800×480 punktów).
Do 2,5 godzin ciągłej pracy na zasilaniu bateryjnym
Wydajny opcjonalny zestaw akumulatorowy umożliwia pracę wszędzie tam, gdzie brakuje stałego zasilania lub może być ono często przerywane. Dla określonych parametrów pomiaru zestaw umożliwia 2,5 godz. ciągłych pomiarów i pokazuje ilość pozostałej jeszcze energii. W przypadku spadku napięcia na bateriach wszystkie pliki są zapisywane i bezpiecznie zamykane.
Użyteczny w warunkach wibracji
Rejestrator GL840 jest odporny na wibracje umożliwia więc prowadzenie testów
i rejestrację danych w urządzeniach samochodowych, nawigacyjnych, itp. Posiada certyfikat zgodności z ISO 2041 i IEC Pub 68-2-6
GL840 Main unit specifications
Item | Description | ||
Model number | GL840-M | GL840-WV | |
Number of analog input channels | 20 channels in standard configuration, Expandable up to 200 channels | ||
Number of analog input terminals | Up to 10 terminals (20 channels / terminal), standard config: 1 | ||
Type of analog input terminal | Multi-input type, Withstand-voltage type | ||
Port for digital sensor | 1 port for the sensor/input terminal/adapter of the GL100 | ||
External input/ output *1 |
Input *2 | Trigger or Sampling (1 channel), Logic/Pulse (4 channels) | |
Output *3 | Alarm (4 channels) | ||
Sampling interval | 10 ms to 1 hour (10ms to 50ms: voltage only) *4, External signal | ||
Time scale of waveform display | 1 sec. to 24 hour /division | ||
Trigger, Alarm function |
Trigger action | Start or stop capturing data by the trigger | |
Repeat action | Off, On (auto rearmed) | ||
Trigger source | Start: Off, Measured signal, Alarm, External, Clock, Week or Time Stop: Off, Measured signal, Alarm, External, Clock, Week or Time |
Condition Setting | Combination: OR or AND Analog signal: Rising (High), Falling (Low), Window-in, Window-out Logic signal: Pattern (combination of each input signal in high or low) Pulse (number of count): Rising (High), Falling (Low), Window-in, Window-out |
Alarm output | Outputs a signal when alarm condition occurs in the input signal *5 | ||
Pulse input function |
Rotation count (RPM) mode |
Counts the number of pulses per sampling interval and converts to rpm (rotations per minute), Number of pulses for one rotation can be set to 50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M rpm/F.S. (rpm./Full Scale) |
Accumulating count mode |
Accumulates the number of pulses from the start of measurement 50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M C/F.S. (Counts/Full Scale) |
Instant count mode |
Counts the number of pulses per sampling interval 50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M C/F.S. (Counts/Full Scale) |
Maximum number of pulse inputs | Maximum input frequency : 50kHz Maximum number of count : 50kC/sampling (16-bit counter) |
Calculation function |
Between channels | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division for analog input | |
Statistical | Select two calculations from Average, Peak, Maximum, Minimum, RMS | ||
Search function | Search for analog signal levels, values of logic or pulse or alarm point in captured data |
Interface to PC | Ethernet (10 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX), USB (Hi-speed), WLAN (using B-568 option) | ||
Storage device |
Internal | Built-in 4GB Flash Memory *6 | |
External | One SD card slot (Support SDHC memory card, up to 32GB) *7 | ||
Saved contents | Captured data, Setting conditions, Screen copy | ||
Back up recording data function | Backup interval *8 | Off, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24 hour(s) | |
Backup file destination *8 | SD memory card or FTP server | ||
Data format *8 | GBD (binary) or CSV (test) | ||
Check-sum function (Verifies data file) | OFF: Not adding check-sum code to data file. ON: Adding check-sum code to data file. Check-sum code is verified when replaying data on the GL unit or GL-Connection software. |
Capturing mode | Mode: Normal, Ring, Relay Ring: Saves most recent data (Number of capturing data: 1000 to 2000000 points) *9 Relay: Saves data to multiple files without losing data until dada capturing is stopped |
Replay data | Replays captured data that was saved in the GL840 (in GBD or CSV format) | ||
Scaling (Engineering unit) function | Measured value can be converted to specified engineering unit • Analog voltage: Converts using four reference points (gain, offset) • Temperature: Converts using two reference points (offset) • Pulse count: Converts using two reference points (gain) |
Action during data capture | • Displaying past data (using dual display mode (Current + Past data)) • Hot-swapping the SD memory card • Saving data in between cursors |
Display | Size | 7-inch TFT color LCD (WVGA: 800 x 480 dots) | |
Language | English, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Japanese | ||
Information *10 | Waveform in Y-T with digital values, Waveform only, Digital value, Digital values and statistics values |
Operating environment | 0 to 45 ºC, 5 to 85 % RH (non condensed) (When operating with battery pack 0 to 40 ºC, charging battery 15 to 35 ºC) |
Power source | AC adapter | 100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz (1 pc of adapter is attached as standard accessory) | |
DC power | 8.5 to 24 V DC (DC drive cable (option B-514) is required) | ||
Battery pack | Mountable two battery packs (battery pack (option B-569): 7.2V DC, 2900mAh) | ||
Power consumption *11 | Max. 38 VA | ||
External dimensions (W x D x H in mm, Excluding projections) |
Approx. 246 x 161 x 58.2 (with the cover) | Approx. 246 x 170.4 x 58.2 (with the cover) | |
Weight *12 | Approx. 1218 g (the cover is attached) | Approx. 1244 g (the cover is attached) |
*1 Input/Output cable for GL (option B-513) is required to connect the signal.
*2 Input signal;
Voltage range: Up to 24V (common ground)
Signal type: Voltage, Open collector, Contact (relay)
Threshold: Approx. + 2.5 V (Hysteresis: Approx. 0.5V (2.5V to 3V))
*3 Output signal: Open collector (pull-up to 5V by 10kΩ resistor)
Voltage: Max. 30V,
Current: Max. 0.5A,
Collector dissipation: Max. 0.2W
*4 Minimum interval varies by number of channels used.
*5 Output port can be specified in each input channel.
*6 The built-in Flash memory is available for units with serial numbers C604XXXX or later. Please contact your local representative for more information.
*7 SD memory card cannot be used on the SD card slot while the wireless LAN unit (opton B-568) is used.
*8 – When the RING mode or external pulse synchronization sampling is selected for recording, the backup function is not available.
– When there are meany number of active channels, the sampling time is fast, or the backup interval is long, it may take time to closing the data file after recording stops because the size of the data to be backed up becomes large.
– When saving file to FTP server using wireless LAN connection, backup may fail depending on the communication condition.
– Available sampling speed is the 100 ms or slower when using the CSV format.
– When backup is enabled and data file format is specified with CSV format, SD memory card exchange (hot-swapping) and RELAY recording are not available.
*9 Size of the capture data will be limited to 1/3 of available memory.
*10 Display mode is switched every time the dedicated key is pressed. In magnified digital value mode, the
displayed channel number can be specified. In the waveform display mode, the changing of the time scale will
be effective from the point of the next displayed data.
*11 Rating under maximum power consumption using the AC adapter, with LCD display on, and battery pack(s)
being charged.
*12 Excludes AC adapter and battery pack.
GL840 Analog input specifications
Item | Description | ||||
Model number | GL840-M, Input terminal B-564 | GL840-WV, Input terminal B-565 | |||
Input method | All channels isolated balanced input *13, Scans channels for sampling | ||||
Type of input terminal | Screw terminal (M3 screw) | ||||
Measurement range |
Voltage | 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 V, and 1-5V F.S. (Full Scale) | |||
Thermocouple | Type: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, W (WRe5-26) Range: 100, 500, 2000 ºC *14 |
RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) |
Type: Pt100, Pt1000 (IEC751), JPt100 (JIS) Range: 100, 500, 2000 ºC *14 |
Humidity | 0 to 100 % RH – using the humidity sensor (option B-530) | ||||
Filter | Off, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 (moving average in selected number) | ||||
Measurement accuracy *15 | |||||
Voltage | ± 0.1% of F.S. (Full Scale) | ± (0.05% of F.S. + 10μV) | |||
Temperature (Thermocouple) *16 | |||||
Type | Measurement range (TS: Temp Sense) |
Measurement accuracy | Measurement accuracy | ||
R | 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC | ± 5.2 ºC | ± 4.5 ºC | ||
100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC | ± 3.0 ºC | ± 3.0 ºC | |||
300 < TS ≤ 1600 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC) | ± 2.2 ºC | |||
S | 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC | ± 5.2 ºC | ± 4.5 ºC | ||
100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC | ± 3.0 ºC | ± 3.0 ºC | |||
300 < TS ≤ 1760 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC) | ± 2.2 ºC | |||
B | 400 ≤ TS ≤ 600 ºC | ± 3.5 ºC | ± 3.5 ºC | ||
600 < TS ≤ 1820 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC) | ± 2.5 ºC | |||
K | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC) | ± 1.5 ºC | ||
-100 < TS ≤ 1370 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC) | ± 0.8 ºC | |||
E | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC) | ± 1.0 ºC | ||
-100 < TS ≤ 800 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC) | ± 0.8 ºC | |||
T | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC | ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.5 ºC) | ± 1.5 ºC | ||
-100 < TS ≤ 400 ºC | ± (0.1% of rdg. + 0.5 ºC) | ± 0.6 ºC | |||
J | -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC | ± 2.7 ºC | ± 1.0 ºC | ||
-100 < TS ≤ 100 ºC | ± 1.7 ºC | ± 0.8 ºC | |||
100 < TS ≤ 1100 ºC | ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC) | ± 0.6 ºC | |||
N | -200 ≤ TS < 0 ºC | ± (0.1% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC) | ± 2.2 ºC | ||
0 ≤ TS ≤ 1300 ºC | ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC) | ± 1.0 ºC | |||
W | 0 ≤ TS ≤ 2000 ºC | ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.5 ºC) | ± 1.8 ºC | ||
R.J.C. | ± 0.5 ºC | ± 0.3 ºC | |||
Temperature (RTD) *17 | |||||
Type | Measurement range (TS: Temp Sense) |
Accuracy | Accuracy | ||
Pt100 | -200 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC | ± 1.0 ºC | ± 0.6 ºC | ||
100 < TS ≤ 500 ºC | ± 0.8 ºC | ||||
500 < TS ≤ 850 ºC | ± 1.0 ºC | ||||
Pt1000 | -200 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC | ± 0.8 ºC | ± 0.6 ºC | ||
100 < TS ≤ 500 ºC | ± 0.8 ºC | ||||
JPt100 | -200 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC | ± 0.8 ºC | ± 0.6 ºC | ||
100 < TS ≤ 500 ºC | ± 0.8 ºC | ||||
A/D converter | Sigma-Delta type, 16 bits (effective resolution: 1/40000 of the measuring full range) | ||||
Input resistance | 1MΩ ±5% | ||||
Allowable signal source resistance | Up to 300Ω | Up to 100Ω | |||
Maximum input voltage |
Between (+) / (-) terminal |
20 mV to 2 V range: 60 Vp-p, 5 V to 100 V range: 110 Vp-p |
Channels ((-) / (-)) | 60 Vp-p | 600 Vp-p | |||
Channel / GND | 60 Vp-p | 300 Vp-p | |||
Max. voltage (withstand) |
Between channels | 350 Vp-p (1 minute) | 600 Vp-p | ||
Channel / GND | 350 Vp-p (1 minute) | 2300 Vrms AC (1 minute) |
*13 The terminal „b” for using the RTD is connected each other across all channels.
*14 If the specifications of the temperature sensor is lesser or greater than the selected measurement range, GL840 can measure up to the specifications of the sensor.
*15 Subject to the following conditions:
Room temperature is 23 oC ± 5 oC.
When 30 minutes or more have elapsed after power has turned on.
Filter is set to 10.
Sampling rate is set to 1 sec, using 20-channel in GL840-M and 10-channel in GL840-WV.
GND terminal is connected to ground.
*16 Wire size of thermocouple used is 0.32mm diameter in the T or K type and 0.65mm diameter in other types.
*17 Supports 3-wire type sensor.
Software specifications for PC
Item | Description | ||
Model name | GL100_240_840-APS | ||
Supported OS | Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista (32/64-bit edition) | ||
Supported device | GL840 (USB, Ethernet, WLAN), GL100 (USB, WLAN) | ||
Functions | Control the GL series, Real-time data capture, Replay data, and Data format conversion | ||
Supported units & channels | Up to 1000 channels total, Up to 4 groups (number of units is limited by model) | ||
Settings control | Input condition, Capturing condition, Trigger/Alarm condition, Report, etc. | ||
Capturing data | Saved to PC | Saves captured data in real time (in GBD binary or CSV format) | |
Saved to GL unit | Saves to the SD memory card (in GBD binary or CSV format) | ||
Displayed information | Y-T waveform, Digital values, Report, X-Y graph (specified period of data, data reply only), Two displays for the current and past data, and Statistical calculation |
File operation | Converting data format to CSV from GBD binary, merge multiple data files in the time axis or as an additional channel |
Warning function | Send e-mail to the specified address when the alarms occur | ||
Statistical calculation | Maximum, Minimum, and Avarage during data capturing | ||
Report function | Creates the daily or monthly report automatically |
Software specifications for Smart device
Item | Description | |
Model name | GL-Connect | |
Supported OS | Android 4.1 to 6.0, iOS 9/10/11 | |
Supported device | GL840 (WLAN), GL100 (WLAN) | |
Functions | Control the GL series, Display measured data in waveform or digital value | |
Supported units | Up to 10 units | |
Settings control | Start/Stop, Sampling interval | |
Capturing data | Saves captured data in the GL main body (data cannot be saved in the smart device) | |
Displayed information | Data captured in real time by digital value, Replay the data stored in the GL body by the waveform |
Wireless LAN unit (option) specifications
Item | Description | |
Model number | B-568 | |
Supported device | GL840 | |
Communication method | Wireless communication (using radio waves in the 2.4GHz band) | |
Supported WLAN system | IEEE802.11b/g/n WPS: Push button or PIN method Security protocols: WEP64, WEP128, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, AKIP/AES Communication distance: Approx. 40m (depending on the conditions of radio communication) |
Installed location | Attaches to the SD card slot *7 | |
Function | Access Point mode: Communicate with the GL100-WL as a remote sensor (captured data in the GL100-WL is transferred to GL840) Station mode: Communicate with PC or Smart device (control GL840 and transfer the data from GL840) |
Connected number of GL100-WL | GL840: Up to 5 units of the GL100-WL |
Humidity Sensor B-530 (option) Specifications
Item | Description | |
Allowable temperature range | -25 to 80℃ | |
Allowable humidity range | 0 to 100% RH | |
Relative humidity measurement accuracy | ±3% RH(5 to 98% RH at 25℃) | |
Method | Capacitance method | |
Relative humidity measurement accuracy (5 to 98%) | Measurement environment | Measurement accuracy |
0 to 10℃ | ±5% RH | |
10 to 20℃ | ±4% RH | |
20 to 30℃ | ±3% RH | |
30 to 40℃ | ±4% RH | |
40 to 50℃ | ±5% RH | |
50 to 60℃ | ±6% RH | |
60 to 70℃ | ±7% RH | |
70 to 80℃ | ±8% RH | |
* Measurement accuracy at 60℃ or more is a reference value. | ||
Response time | 15 sec. (90% response when membrance filter is installed) | |
Sensor output | 0 to 1 VDC | |
External dimensions | Φ14 x 80 mm (excluding cable) | |
Cable length | 3 m | |
Sensor power source | DC + 5 to +16 V | |
Power consumption | approx. 4 mA |
Options and Accessories
Item | Model number | Description |
Input terminal (Multi-inputs) | B-564 | 20ch input terminal, multi-input type |
Input terminal (Withstand voltage | B-565 | 20ch input terminal, withstand-high-voltage type |
Base unit for input terminal | B-566 | Base unit for input terminal (B-564 or 565) |
Connection cable for extension terminal |
B-567-05 | Cable to connect GL840 and B-566, 50 cm long |
B-567-20 | Cable to connect GL840 and B-566, 2 m long | |
Wireless LAN unit | B-568 | WLAN adapter, IEEE802.11 b / g / n |
Battery pack | B-569 | Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery (7.2 V, 2900mAh) |
Cover | B-578 | Rubber protector (for replacement) |
Bracket for DIN rale (GL840 main body) | B-570 | Bracket for DIN rail (GL840 main body), Build-to-order |
Bracket for DIN rail (extension terminal) | B-540 | Bracket for DIN rail (Input terminal), Build-to-order |
Input/Output cable for GL series | B-513 | 2 m long (no clip on end of cable) |
DC drive cable | B-514 | 2 m long (no clip on end of cable) |
Humidity sensor | B-530 | With 3 m long signal cable (with power plug) |
Shunt resistor | B-551-10 | 250 ohms 0.1% (it converts the signal to the „1-5V” from the „4-20mA”) |
Storage case | B-581 | Storage for GL series (except GL7000 and GL100) |
AC power adapter | ACADP-20 | For replacement Input: 100 to 240 V AC, Output: 24 V DC |
Temp & Humidity sensor | GS-TH | Temperature and humidity measurement |
Illuminance & UV sensor | GS-LXUV | Illuminance and UV intensity measurement, cable 20cm long |
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor | GS-CO2 | CO2 measurement, cable 20cm long |
Acceleration & Temp sensor | GS-3AT | Acceleration and temperature measurement, cable 20cm long |
Thermistor input terminal | GS-4TSR | Temp measurement (using a Thermistor), cable 20cm long |
Thermistor sensor (Normal type) | GS-103AT-4P | Temperature sensor (-40 to 105 ºC), 3m long, 4pcs/set |
Thermistor sensor (Ultrathin type) | GS-103JT-4P | Temperature sensor (-40 to 120 ºC), 3m long, 4pcs/set |
AC current sensor adapter | GS-DPA-AC | Current measurement (using a CT), cable 20cm long |
AC current sensor (50A) | GS-AC50A | Current sensor (CT) 50A, cable 20cm long |
AC current sensor (100A) | GS-AC100A | Current sensor (CT) 100A, cable 20cm long |
AC current sensor (200A) | GS-AC200A | Current sensor (CT) 200A, cable 20cm long |
Voltage & Temp input terminal | GS-4VT | Voltage or Temperature (using a thermocouple), cable 20cm long |
Module extension cable | GS-EXC | Extension cable for the sensor / terminal / adapter module, 1.5m long |
Dual port adapter | GS-DPA | Connect up to 2 sensor modules |